Captargo24, also known as John, is a talented 19-year-old Canadian content creator hailing from the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). John's passion for creating engaging content began in 2016, and since then, he has been producing a wide range of videos and games that have captivated audiences across various platforms. On YouTube, John primarily produces animated story series that each tells their unique tales. With his series, Crylie Boy, he delves into the theme of finding one's place in the world. His series, Boris the Teeth Guy, explores the concept of self-improvement and being better for tomorrow. In The Anderson Family, John tackles the theme of acceptance, while the Márquez series is a story about living life to the fullest. Each series showcases John's talent for weaving engaging narratives that resonate with his audience. In addition to his YouTube channel, John is also a Roblox developer, builder, and coder. He showcases his skills by creating exciting games on the platform and even offers game showcases on buildings and groups he is part of. John's creative talents extend beyond Roblox as he produces other exciting projects on various other platforms and sites. John's multifaceted skill set makes him a versatile content creator, and his ability to craft compelling stories makes him a gifted writer. His talents include video making, writing, game development, building, coding, and gaming. John's passion for creating engaging content knows no bounds, and he is always exploring new ways to inspire and entertain his followers. With a bright future ahead of him, John's creativity is sure to continue captivating audiences for years to come.
Quality, not quantity
We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.