
Crylie Boy

The Crylie Boy Series, created by Captain Argonut 24, follows a young boy who desires a typical life, yet is hindered by his family's dark history of attempting to rule the world. This background creates numerous family issues, requiring each member to overcome their own personal struggles and story arcs to find meaning and purpose in life.

The Boris The Teeth Guy

The Boris The Teeth Guy Series is a thrilling adventure story following Boris The Teeth Guy and his companion, Hillary The Teeth Girl, as they travel the globe and beyond on epic adventures. Along the way, they grow and learn more about themselves and each other, but their journey is not without challenges. Hillary's far-right ideologies and Boris's troubled past create obstacles they must overcome in order to succeed. The story is full of twists and turns as Boris uncovers the truth and seeks to destroy his enemies. Originally made by Julian3535 and Adapted by Captain Argonut 24, the Boris The Teeth Guy Series promises to be a captivating and exciting journey.

The Anderson Family

The Anderson Family Series, formerly known as the Caillou show on PBS, tells the story of a young boy named Caillou who is mistreated by his abusive father Boris. Boris shows preferential treatment to his daughter, Rosie, while Caillou is punished for everything. Rosie desires to escape Boris's control and identifies as a furry, while the mother, Doris, is powerless against Boris and also holds anti-furry sentiments. As the story unfolds, Caillou experiences new emotions and powers that ultimately push him to his breaking point, resulting in a transformation into a monster - something that Boris desires. This series explores themes of abuse, power dynamics, and transformation, making for a dark and thought-provoking tale.

The Márquez Series

The Márquez Series follows the journey of Dora, a young girl with a thirst for adventure and a desire to explore the world. Accompanied by her animal friends, Dora goes on exciting escapades and lives with her parents Elena and Cole, as well as her Abuela. Although she dislikes school, Dora has trouble with rivals Gina and misses Christina. The family runs a Mexican restaurant and shop, and while Dora is not perfect, she sometimes causes trouble in the city. Meanwhile, Dora's parents must contend with the influence of Boris, who tries to mistreat her in the same way he does with Caillou in The Anderson Family Series.